Box Office Classic – Round of 16

The Inaugural Classic has reached the mid point, and things aren’t getting easier. Let’s see who moves on to the Quarterfinals on Monday.

Matchup of the round is another battle for Inside Out. This time it’s up against Damon and his quest to escape from Mars. The Martian is a great film, and was up for Best Picture. This does bring up a fun story. Around Christmas a few years ago at my grandparents house, we all decided to watch The Martian because my brother hadn’t seen it yet. However, it gets pretty graphic at one point when Watney had to pull something out of his body, and the kids were watching it with us. So we decided to watch Inside Out instead. The kids liked it better, so it wins this matchup. Also this round, we say goodbye to all 3 Hunger Games film left in the Classic.

With only 8 films left, it is really getting hard to pick a winner in each matchup. Next week, we will have a champion. It starts on Monday with the Quarterfinals.

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