A Violent Thought Bubble

I have shared many times before that I am not a gory horror movie person. There is a zero percent chance you will catch me at an entry of the Terrifier, Saw, or Hostel series. That being said, I am trying to get more comfortable with them. I do like the psychological horror movies, or thrillers that veer into the horror realm. With that in mind, I decided to try and watch In a Violent Nature. It premiered at Sundance with good reviews, and the plot sounded cool. What I didn’t notice until it was too late somehow was that the film was unrated. What follows are my notes I took as the movie was moving along. No, I don’t do this type of thing when I go to movies. This one just seemed like a good time to do this type of activity. Also, this may seem spoilery, but I will be pretty vague. However, I hope if you have actually watched the movie, this will work so much better for you.

Movie Starts

0:01 – Important life lesson: If you find a necklace in a cemetery in the middle of the woods, leave it there!

0:03 – That is why

0:06 – They have said “live traps” so many times right now, that certainly can’t be foreshadowing

0:12 – Hope he wasn’t lying there weren’t anymore trap out in the woods….

0:14 – Oops

0:15 – That kill wasn’t too bad.

0:17 – He heard WOO girls. I’ve seen enough horror movies to know that is catnip for these monsters

0:20 – Just jump out of the woods and end this dumb story.

0:25 – I will not be sad when all these idiots get picked off. Does that make me a bad person?

0:28 – He will not be reaching the gas station girls

0:31 – That was gross

0:35 – Just let the dude rest in peace

0:40 – Any moment now…..

0:44 – She did want to be stretched out

0:45 – That not only broke me, but it caused everyone in the theater to make a sound.

0:48 – Poor guy is going to regret finding the keys

0:50 – Troy shouldn’t have stayed back by himself

0:52 – He wasn’t alone!

0:54 – Heck of a throw there

0:55 – Surprisingly the second head squish in a movie I’ve seen this year. Boy Kills World was worse.

0:59 – They are getting way too close

0:60 – Don’t give him the gun

0:61 – That is why

0:63 – Head on a stick.

0:64 – Oh please no

0:65 – This is way too cruel

0:66 – At least he stopped with the head. After what he did to the yoga girl, that could have been so much worse.

0:71 – What is the plan here?

0:72 – Good plan…..

0:73 – Isn’t the Final Girl supposed to be smart?

0:75 – Can he just pop out, take her out, and end the movie?

0:81 – I’m not sure what we are doing here?

0:84 – This bear story is not adding to the movie in any way

0:87 – Got the necklace.

Movie Ends

So, I lived, but a couple of those kills made me wince and regret watching the movie. I think I was the only one who wasn’t excited for the movie in theater, and one of those kills made everyone react. When I got home, I found that that scene is referred to at “That scene”, so that makes sense. I’m probably done with these movies for a year or two now.

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