Category: General Thoughts

  • The Search for the $100 Million Opening

    It hasn’t been a secret that the box office has been lackluster so far this year. What has been a little surprising however has only been one movie (Inside Out 2 last week) that has had a $100 million opening weekend. We are at the 24th week of the year, and here is what thing…

  • A Violent Thought Bubble

    I have shared many times before that I am not a gory horror movie person. There is a zero percent chance you will catch me at an entry of the Terrifier, Saw, or Hostel series. That being said, I am trying to get more comfortable with them. I do like the psychological horror movies, or…

  • The Problem with Trailers

    The Problem with Trailers

    Trailers used to be great. They still can be…..

  • The Oscar Thought Bubble

    The Oscar Thought Bubble

    I watch the Oscars every year. It’s my Super Bowl each year. I thought of doing a live blog this year, but I just couldn’t get things together in time. So below is. a faux live blog. I noted down thoughts as things went along last night and they are what follows below. 6:55 pm:…

  • Thoughts about the Super Bowl Trailers

    Thoughts about the Super Bowl Trailers

    I am a Chargers fan. Yes. I know I live in Detroit. I made my fandom choice 20 years ago, and I am never changing. Bolt Up! I bring that up here to say that I usually don’t really care about the Super Bowl. I still watch it every year, because football, but what I…

  • 2024 Look Ahead

    Time to talk about 2024. The strikes didn’t help things on the schedule. There are movies like next Mission Impossible that got sent to next year that would have been close to the top of the list of movies I was looking forward to this year. January – Starting with this month, there isn’t too…